Leaving your loved one, family, friends and everything that feels familiar and familiar is not something you do lightly. Hardly anyone goes voluntarily in search of absolute uncertainty.
Leaving your loved one, family, friends and everything that feels familiar and familiar is not something you do lightly. Hardly anyone goes voluntarily in search of absolute uncertainty.
Hoeveel kan een mens dragen voordat hij breekt? Hoe zwaar kan de last zijn voordat hij zijn wanhoop uitschreeuwt? Wie ziet nog de mens: naakt en met niets te verbergen.
With your senses on edge, you are always everywhere at once: you see and experience, you smell and remember, you hear and experience. But what you live, remember or experience is not always what you see, smell or hear. Present, past and future, here and there: it can suddenly coincide.
On the run: no food, barely any clothes, no medicine, forget home and hearth. Can art do something about that? Yes, it can!
Arts and culture are invisible, driving forces of renewal and innovation.
The performance CONCRE(E)T(E) explores the path to happiness and raises questions such as: 'what does your happiness look like?'
An artwork that has music in it. An ongoing project revolving around a travelling, painted grand piano and meet.
Travel from a filled and rich social life to a life of seclusion and solitude in a matter of minutes.
Seeking safety, security and happiness are universal, universally human desires.
Black Widow: man vs nature vraagt om compassie voor de natuur- en cultuurhistorische waarde van de Willem Arntsz Hoeve. Een gebied waar niet alleen recent maar ook in het verleden zoveel is gebeurd.